Tag Archives: sportsday

The end of sports day forever..


I would like to start by saying that the photo above is one of many I took today, it features my good friends Bethany (left), Bridget (right), she who wants to remain nameless (middle) and in the backround is the queen if England his self!

Anyway the day consisted of rain, rain and abit more rain, but what do you expect I LIVE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM!! Unfortunately however we were dressed up in enthusiastic sports clothes! There was a bit if the usual drama of ‘where’s the form tutor?’ (If your confused with this context please see my older blogs) and avoiding events that we were supposed to attend.

I had many conversations with many people today including the usuals Bridget, Ailis and Sarah.But also some of my other friends that’s I haven’t mentioned on here before such as Bethany and Natasha.

After a while me and Bridget gave up and decided to do laps (ovals) of the field then Hank Green came and sang a song to us via YouTube just to cheer us up! Then we bumped into Ailis and she insisted on me taking photos.. Then this happened!


(Ailis if you are reading please don’t kill me for this photo but it’s funny as it looks like one leg is smaller than the other!)

We then came to the final part of sports day where we waited to get the results for what would either make or break sports day for some people. At this point it was pouring down so me, Sarah and Bridget took refuge under the queen of England’s umbrella.

After this I decided that I should probably go home now and then found myself in my grandparents car (not by accident! Don’t worry I was ment to be there!!) and we drove back to there house in which I am at now!

I was given a book that I ordered called ‘This star won’t go out’ by Ester Earl and she is truly an inspirational person!


Now I am about to go to bed but before writing this post I checked facebook and found out that Noodle my friends chicken has moved on to a better place.

Thankyou all for reading!
Hope you enjoyed!


RIP Noodle xx