Tag Archives: Town

Happy days!


So I had a great day today and I don’t really know why! May be it’s because it’s sunny, maybe it’s not! I shall never know!

School was neither hard or boring today it was quite strange really! Ranging from conversations about bread-to a game that I play nearly every day called ‘where’s the form tutor?’ It’s kind if like ‘where’s wally?’ But the fact is you will never find the form tutor as they are none existent!

Anyway after all this strangeness in school, I had my everyday walk to town with my good friend Ailís! (If your reading you should be proud! I remembered the í thing! Not sure if it’s right though! Apologies in advance!) We went to boots to print pictures with was mildly amusing, the went to Starbucks! It happened to be happy hour on frappuccinos, which ment half price drinks! Yay! 😃 while this was all going on Ailís decided that she wanted an image after her name on my contacts, only she would choose to be Ailís 💩!! I will never know! Anyway this is enough for today!

Thankyou all for reading!
Hope you enjoyed!



Wondering in town with this girl (Casey) is by far an experience that everyone needs to have.
1) Bizare conversations ranging from candles, April fools day, perfume and john green are just some of the topics we covered today
2) what I call Casey’s quote of the day “why is my foot vibrating”
3) the hobby of naming things. For example the spider in Starbucks is called Peeta.
4) seeing people you know that are in a relationship and being happy how you are now
6) plans to drive a pretend car to prom!
7) plans to emigrate to Texas in the future and be next door neighbours
8) the love of cinniemone! (Cinnamon)
9) the obsessions of little bags!
10) the only friend I have that carries a camera around in their coat pocket!

This sums up my day in town!
Thankyou all for reading!